Sunday, July 24, 2011

Goodbye paci

The day has arrive... Bye bye paci. Honestly I wanted it gone a while back but with traveling and being away from daddy I decided to wait. Now Sawyer is 2 and a half it's time to go. One of the reasons I have waited this long is because he only gets it at night. Since he was a baby we only used it for sleeping and as he got older it always stayed in his bed. It doesn't bother me much because he didn't use it walking around all day. It hasn't hindered his speech but I'm not wanting it to mess up his teeth. So today is the day and I can truly say it's killing me. Somehow the paci kept Sawyer a baby and with all his talking and potty trained it's the last thing.... Today's nap is his first time without it. He is acting heart broken about it being gone and his little tears made me want to cry too. He searched his bed and under his pillow while he cried "where my paci I need it I just need it". I feel awful about taking it but I know it's for the best. Anyone out there who has some tips on easing the transition I'm all ears.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

good for you momma! gabe's potty training & then it will be time for paci to go too. the twins already don't really take theirs is sad to see it go cause it means no more babies.

be strong!