Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Seafood Platter"

Sorry for being MIA the last few days. I've had a little bit of down time and I've been trying to rest a little. I was also working on our newsletter for July so if you would like to be on the list for that send me your email address.

Tyson has been really great about trying the food here. Well today he ordered the "seafood Platter". He ate it and it was a little spicy. After we were done eating I saw some food left on his plate so I asked him if he liked it. He said he did but he expected more shrimp instead there were a lot of rubbery noodles. Well those weren't rubbery noodles. We found out it was eel and octopus tentacles....HAHAHAHAHA it was really funny. He didn't even know what he was eating. :-)

Sawyer has also been enjoying the Thai food. He loves rice. He doesn't want us to help him eat it though. He is all about being a big boy and eating with a fork of his own. In other words rice gets EVERYWHERE! haha

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

that is hysterical about Tyson's "shrimp" love it!!