Sunday, July 4, 2010

Busy Busy

We have had a busy last few days. Just getting ready for the outreach. Today Tyson gave some of the boys hair cuts. It was really cute. I was inside dancing with some of the girls so I missed it until the end. But I grabbed a quick picture with my phone of Ty cutting Bubba's hair.
I didn't get any pictures of the girls I was working with but I'll take some when we are on the outreach. I made streamers and taught them a little dance for the outreach. They did really well I was amazed. It's a very simple dance because they have never danced before but they had a wonderful time. I LOVED it of course. It's been so long since I have taught anyone it felt so right.

Sawyer and Abel. Abel is the little boy from Berma that I've told you about before. You can read his story here :
Chang: He is a very sweet little boy. Tyson and he are becoming buddies.
Sweet Bubba again :-)
Tyson's dad showing the boys how to play board games.

Tyson and some of the kids playing this game with cement balls....I forgot the name of it


Denise said...

Love the pictures Tess. Sawyer looks like he is having a great time. The kids are awsome.
Wish we where there with you.
What a blessing you are to the kids!

Gail said...

The pictures are wonderful. Sawyer looks like he owns the place, so cute. Wow, you are already doing some dance. How Wonderful! Looking forward to seeing pictures of the girls dancing. What a gift for those young ladies. Love you so very much and am so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Friend! I am so happy to be able to read your blog now! Today is Thursday, and a few of us will be meeting at Kristi's house to clean clean clean while she is at her many appointments with the docs. WIsh you were with us, but by reading your blog, I know that you are right where the Lord wants you! Love you!