Our dear friend Ricky gave Sawyer this little bug shirt. I think it's too cute on him. It was Ricky's favorite shirt and he wanted Sawyer to have it to remember him by.

Beautiful Flowers. Lilly pads. :-)

Sawyer really likes Pan. She has such a sweet spirit about her. I think he likes her kind smile.

Nutt (not in the pic below) Yo, gift, and Pan. They were so excited to be staying overnight at the resort. They were 4 of the 20ish kids on the evangelism team that came for the Saturday outreach so they stayed overnight with us at the hotel. They have never done anything like it in their lives. The night before we left I was going over the dance with them one more time. They were giddy with excitement. I asked them if they had any questions ( through the translator) and none of their questions were about the dance. They had questions about the overnight stay. They were so excited and didn't know what to wear to bed. Yo thought they might need something specific to wear to bed. It was really cute.

At dinner we just ordered a bunch of food family style. So everyone could pick from what was on the table to eat. The girls didn't know what to do. they were asking "what are we suppose to do" They had never had a choice on what to eat for a meal before. It made me enjoy everything a little more seeing it through their eyes.
There were lots of fish in the lake. They had fish food there so you could feed them. Tyson got some for Sawyer and the girls to feed them. There were so many fish it was crazy.

Our Room

They have these yogurt drinks here. sawyer LOVES them. He will eat one right after the other if I let him.

Cute. I'm sure the girls will not forget this wonderful time. I pray God's blessings over their lives. What a joy to be with them. I wish I was with you all. maawaaa!
Little Sawyer looks like he's grown since you have been there....The little girls are so precious, what wonderful faces! Tess, your pics are always great!
I had one of the pictures of Sawyer zoomed in; his face looked so much older. Jesse came in and said, “Who is that teenager?” We have to watch them everyday or we miss something.
Pan does have a sweet smile and a kind face; just like you Tess, and Sawyer. You should become good friends.
Your Dad is so sweet. I love that big shirt.
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