Friday, July 2, 2010


Well we have decided to cut Sawyer's hair. As you can see he is a hot sweaty mess. It's so hot here...not humid though just hot. Sawyer is so active, he runs non stop so being sweaty is not a surprise.
We are all getting ready for the outreach to the tribes on the 10th. It's great because the kids help get ready. We made toothpaste to put in the bags of handouts given to the family's. This little boy Mike just wanted to keep working he wasn't ready to stop. :-)

There is a Christian Taekwondo master in Chang Mai who offered to teach the children in the home for FREE. What an amazing blessing. He and some of his staff come to Hope House once a week and they have them come to their facility once a week for free lessons. Plus they bought them all uniforms. The kids love it. We had a great time watching them.

Sawyer downing the to keep this busy boy hydrated.

Andrew also takes the lessons. He is good friends with all the kids and he has learned to speak Tai from them.
We are going to be at hope house everyday this week getting ready for the outreach. I'll also post pictures of Sawyer's hair cut. :-)

1 comment:

Gail said...

I go to your blog, sign in with great expectation, all I can see is the family picture, I look at it through misty eyes, I take time to say a short prayer, the excitement builds,.... s l o w l y I scroll down and THERE IT IS! !!!!!! AN UPDATE!!!! I exclaim: YES!!!!!!!! Thanks Tessie!!!!! hearing from you, knowing everyone is o.k., seeing the precious children (especially Sawyer) means so much to me.