The Trip:
Thursday June 24th we woke up at 5am took showers finished packing and loaded up the car. My dear friend Christen offered to drive us to the DC airport so I wouldn't have to ask my family. Anyone in my family would have been happy to take us I just didn't want to do the "goodbye and the airport scene". Those last few moments at the house were WAY harder than I ever imagined. Saying goodbye to my family caused me actual physical pain. My nephew Percy was so sweet and happy looking around at everyone I just kept seeing all the things I was going to miss and it broke my heart. My dear friend Debbie told me a few weeks
ago that when she lived on the mission field in Poland it was sad to think about the birthdays, party's, family and friends events and fun she was missing. But the life experiences she gained from her time there made up for all she missed out on. I kept reminding myself of that while I was saying goodbye and remembering the clear words from the Lord that we were suppose to go. To know God is calling us makes all the difference. It doesn't mean the sad parts won't still be there it just means He will be there to sustain us through it.
We arrived at the airport on time and checked all our bags with NO PROBLEMS. It was amazing. None of our bags were over the weight limit. We didn't have any glitches. It was totally the Lord. Security check was the same way. They didn't weigh our cary on bags (they were packed to the brim and heavy).
The first flight was smooth. Tyson was
thrilled (he HATES flying). At the gate they moved our seats to the 1st row of economy right behind business class. It was nice to be at the front of the plane and we had no one in front of us just the wall. So Sawyer could play and we had more leg room. 15 HOURS on a plane is a long time. I would be lying if I said it was easy. Sawyer was amazing. God's grace was on him and he was very happy. He was tired but restless so I gave him Dramamine to help him sleep. At first I was freaking out because he became wired. He wanted to jump and dance and be wild and I thought the Dramamine didn't work. Well 30 minutes later he crashed and slept for over 8 hours straight. I think more then anything the drugs helped him stay asleep.
We had some rowdy kids behind us that would yell at each other and kicked our chairs nonstop. Tyson and I didn't sleep at all but at least Sawyer didn't wake up.
We had a 3 hr lay over in Korea and then got on our last flight to Chang Mai. Sawyer fell asleep for the first hour but it was a really bumpy flight and he woke up from the bumping around. Tyson was not pleased with the pilots flying hahaha I tried to remind him the pilot was not responsible for the weather but he still gave him an F. :-)
We arrived in Chang Mai a little before midnight Thailand time (which is around noon in VA). We went through customs without a problem. We were the last ones through and Sawyer was smiling at everyone. Thai people love babies so lots of people were waving and smiling at him. At one point he had 4 stewardesses around him talking in Thai or Korean or some other Asia language and he just thought it was great. Tyson and I were joking around that in his mind he was seeing a bunch of grown up Kilan's (his favorite show is Nihou Kilan). The customs officers even helped us with our bags. I think they just wanted to look at Sawyer some more. :-)
When we got to the house Sawyer was wired and running around. He enjoyed having a new place to explore. We didn't go to bed until 3:30 in the morning. Sawer then woke up at 5:40 in the morning ready to go. So we have only slept 2 hours in about 50 hours.
Today we are going to Hope House to meet the kids. They are all so excited that we are here so they are having a field day in celebration of our arrival. I think we are all to tired to play any sports but it will still be great to get to meet the children.
Well that's all for now. I'll post some pictures of the kids later. :-)
I am so excited for all of you and what God has for you. Thank you for taking the time to write ... it means a lot! LOVE YOU
Wow! Sounds like an adventure. Awesome that you are stepping out in what God has called you to.
I am so glad you made it there in one piece! :-) I miss you already but know God has some awesome things for you over there. We will come and visit soon, don't you worry. God bless!
It's so neat to hear about your travels and your journey in Thailand! Thanks for the update.
Good job! What a great boy Sawyer is! counting the days to see you again!
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