Monday, December 5, 2011

Sawyer's 3rd Birthday Party

Sawyer's 3rd birthday snuck up on me. With moving and everything getting adjusted here we had so many things going on. I had a ton of ideas and then I almost didn't even have a party because we were all so tired. We had our hardest jet lag ever and I was thinking he's only 3. In the end I knew I would be sad if I didn't do something for him. It's the first year he actually knows what his birthday is. He even thought Paul and Amanda came in town just for his birthday party since we were having it on Thanksgiving weekend. 
He is so into Cars and Trains I did a little mix of both. He requested Chokate (Chocolate) cake so he got his own and then I made cupcakes for the kids. I found these little 2 pack cars for party favors and used them for cake decoration.

We have to have BALLOONS!

"Uncle Paul is here for my birday"
Wow he looks big

Our baby is so grown up!

Zach was the first one to arrive at the party and Sawyer ran to the door yelling "YAAA our friends are here!!!"
Ricky is always good for a laugh. He was so sweet with all the little kids. I can't get over how grown up he is.

I found these little clay banks at the dollar tree. They came with paint and a little paint brush and bonus they had trains and cars. Sawyer LOVED this! He took it so serious and  painted and painted and painted. We had a few friends who were not able to come last minute so Sawyer ended up painting 2 trains and a car. haha 

Pizza for dinner! Sawyer kept saying "this is so good, I love pizza, yummy yummy in my tummy" haha

The hi light of the night was singing happy birthday to Sawyer. He was so cute and happy to have everyone singing to him. It was so sweet because he knows the song now. His understanding that this was his birthday party made it so much fun! This is my favorite picture Sawyer still has pizza on his face but look how much he looks like his daddy.

Trying to get a pic with our dear friends...hahaha
Birthday hugs!

All the partying wore Arthur out!

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