Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Town Busch Gardens

This was my first time going to Christmas Town Busch Gardens. My mom went last year and said it was a blast so we wanted to take Sawyer. We got there in the evening and it was already dark Sawyer heard the loud train and saw steem coming from nowhere and he thought the place was on fire. Poor kids was so freaked out for the first 30 minutes we were there. Next year if we go again I will definatly get there while it's still light out so he has a chance to adjust.  We went to Octoberfest and watched the show while eating dinner and that got Sawyer in a good mood for the rest of the night.
Sawyer has never watched Sesame street in his life but he does know Elmo from some songs he like to watch on youtube. He LOVED the Sesame Street show they had. It was really well done and he was captivated the entire time.

I love watching Ty enjoy Sawyer. We have so much fun with him! I love my little family.
Danceing with Grammy and Graa in Ireland

waiting to see the pengwins. 
We waited in line forever to see the pangwne and I was hinking we should just skip this but we had already told Sawyer we could see tham and he was set on it. I was SO GLAD we stayed. Saywer is reallyinto pengwins right now so even though there were only like 3 little stations of pengwins he loved it.

"Look mom I found him it's the pengWHEN"
"he's so cute"
Like I said he LOVED them

Can't believe how big he looks!!!

I am so thankful for fun times with my family!

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