Friday, November 6, 2009

DinoSawyer Rex

For Halloween Sawyer and I were in Boston visiting my dear friend Christen and her husband Vince. We had a wonderful time seeing the city of Boston. Sawyer had a lot of firsts. He had his first plain ride. I was a little nervous about it but he did fine. He had lots of snacks. I had my ipod and he listened to music for a while. Next time I'll load one of his movies for him to watch. He had his first ride on a train/subway. The very first time was after a flying and it was so crowded he was ready for bed. The second day he enjoyed it a lot more. He was amazed at the outside going by so fast. We took a Duck Tour bus through the city and it turns into a boat so Sawyer also had his first boat ride. :-)

Debbie, Christen and I have been on several trips together through the years. It was fun having Sawyer added to our adventure. I'm sure it will not be the last.

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