Friday, May 2, 2008

First Late Night Craving!

Well here is the baby update: Last night was my first late night craving...MacDonald's french fries were on the brain. As Tyson and I went through the drive through I wished I had my camera to document the moment. ha ha My first must have late and night craving and his first sympathy craving....yes I bought him his own order of fries...sharing was not in order last night. For some odd reason french fries are what settle my stomach. When I was on my cruise and feeling sick fries were always good. Other cravings have included chicken burritos with hot salsa and pizza. For some reason I need the spicy stuff. Bland food doesn't do the trick for me and maybe it's the salt on the fries that I like so much, I'm not really sure. In other news I don't really have a belly yet but I feel so bloated and uncomfortable, my clothes are already fitting really weird and some pants don't fit at all. I'm an emotional roller coaster and I am so happy I have a husband that can laugh at me because I'm sure I'm getting on his nerves (even though he says I'm not). ha ha I will cry at nothing and he will say babe really it's not that big a deal and then laugh. At first the laughing got on my nerves but now I laugh too after I cry so it's worked itself out. haha I haven't been super sick just blah feeling. The mornings are the worst but once I get going I'm good. I think like every other pregnant woman I feel better after I eat but I never really feel like eating. I'm trying to eat better but salad makes me sick. Tyson's made me a few smoothies and those have been good so maybe fruit won't make me sick like salad. I do LOVE tomatoes that's another thing I can eat that is good. But not the little ones...they have to be big and fresh...sliced helps. Don't I sound like a barrel of fun! I am trying my best to keep a good attitude but I must admit the lack of sleep gets to me. I'm feeling very tired all the time. Working full time is definitely hard. Most mornings I feel like I could sleep till noon. I am not complaining though!!! I am so thankful that I have not been really really sick. I'll take nausea over puking all day anytime!

I still haven't found a Dr. but I've gotten some good recommendations. So we'll see what happens. Well that's all for now. Thank goodness it's FRIDAY!

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