Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Missing you...

I honestly don't have much to say. Shocking I know I ALWAYS have something to say ha ha. I decided not to post my Happy 88th birthday for my grandfather it felt too weird. In all seriousness this has been a strange week. It's just very hard because I don't know for SURE where my grandfather is. I do feel like the Lord has given me a peace in my heart and I have to lean on that. I feel like I should have said more or made 100% SURE that he was ready to go. My mom's last words to him before she said good bye where "dad, make sure your heart is right" My dad actually prayed with him years ago and he said he feels like my grandfather meant it and that he is now in heaven with my grandmother. I pray hope and believe that is true.
I know he was 88 and it was his time to go but the world just isn't the same without him.


erin said...

I'm so sorry about your Grandpa. I'm sure you miss him so much! My Uncle John had called me one Sunday (he always called to check up on me when we were way out in California so I "didn't feel so far away". Anyway, he called on Sunday then we went out of town so I didn't call back right away. He died on Thursday. It was so hard for me that I never called...so I kind of know what your saying about not posting the birthday blog. I'm sure he knew you loved him very much!! That is so sweet that he loved reading your blog! Love ya!

Barbara said...

tess...having hope that your grandpa is in heaven with his wife is a gift from the Lord. Rest in it, cling to it, and be assured that you will see him someday. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Tess Bush said...

Thank you so much for your prayers! God has really been faithful to me and my family.
Erin- Thank you for relating! That is really sad about your uncle. I do feel at peace now. In the moment I think I needed something to be mad/upset about to distract me.
Ms. Barb- HI I didn't know you were on blogger :-)...I can't see your blog...I wanted you to know I appricate you!... Thank you for your prayers! Your words were are true comfort. I am CLINGING to thoughts of my grnadfather in heaven with my grandmother as you suggested!