Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Trip to Kansas City

Last week I had the privilege of taking a trip to Kansas City with my friend Kristi. Her cousin Betsy was getting married and her sister Katelyn was celebrating her 21st birthday. I needed a break from work so Kristi invited me to crash the parties. We had a wonderful time. I have never been to the "city of fountains" and I'm always up for a trip. Before I left on Wednesday Tyson said "You won't even miss me you'll be with your other favorite boy". Well I did miss Tyson but... he is SO RIGHT! I love me some Benjamin Ruckel. This kid makes me laugh until I cry. Happiest baby award goes to him. Kristi and I laughed the entire time at little funny things he did. He is at a great age just starting to really walk and he jabbers on and on. I know that no one believes me but he really does say TESS. He knows me! And even though it sounds like tsssss it means Tess. :-) This trip was a breath of fresh air that I needed. After saying goodbye to my grandfather a few days before it might sound silly but little Ben warmed my heart. :-) Thanks Kristi for letting me tag along and hang out with you and your awesome boy. Love you guys!

I wanted to bring him home with me!


Katherine M. said...

Hey Tess, I bet you are going to be a really good mom. You look like a natural holding that baby.

Tess Bush said...

Thanks Mrs. Myhill! He really is a sweet baby.
I can't read your there a special setting I have to be on. There are a lot of peoples blogs I can't see...I'm not really familiar with this blogger thing..ha ha maybe I'm not doing something right.

Katherine M. said...

Hey Tess, I just set it up wrong and don't have a blog. I've gotten some encouragement to set one up, especially from my girls; but I'm not sure yet. I continue to pray for you concerning your grandfather. By the way, you can call me Katherine!