Monday, February 18, 2008

The Best V-Day ever!!!

Tyson and I went to NYC this past weekend with our friends Eric and Dana. It was Dana's b-day on the 7th and it was Valentines weekend so it was perfect. I love New York. We had a BLAST. We left on Thursday after work and figured it would take us about 7 hours...Well it would have taken about 7 hours if we wouldn't have gotten off on the wrong exit. That's right we accidentally started heading for Atlantic City... About an hour down the wrong way we stopped at a toll booth and the sweet man collecting the money informed us we were going the wrong way. UGGG that is the worst feeling EVER! But what can you do. We headed back in the correct direction and Tyson busted out the gummy bears and we had a good laugh about it. We didn't arrive at until about 3:30 am. We stayed at our other friend Dana's parent’s house.
It was definitely a busy weekend. We went to see Wicked on Broadway. It was AMAZING!! I had ordered the tickets online and let me put out a word to everyone DO NOT buy tickets from We ordered 2 tickets from one site and 2 from another. was wonderful they sent the tickets in the mail the next day. The other site never sent my order to the broker so we didn't get the ones we put in for. Since they didn't put my order through the ones I wanted had doubled in price. To make a REALLY LONG story short we left for NYC with only 2 tickets and 4 of us going. This VERY NICE woman from ended up helping me find tickets the day of that were better seats then the ones we initially ordered and we picked them up at this restaurant in town. It was all a little nerve racking and since I was in charge of getting the tickets I was SO HAPPY when it all worked out.
We had a wonderful time walking around Times Square. We went shopping in China Town and got some fabulous deals. :-) And no trip to NYC would be complete without a slice of pizza and it was GOOD.
The Last day we went to see ground zero where the World Trade Center use to be. It's a very humbling place to be. I had been to NYC August of 2000. We spent a long time inside and on top of the Trade Center. Going back and seeing it gone was very strange. Posted on the fences were pictures of the plans for the buildings they are going to build there. They have begun the construction. Even though it will never be the same without the towers, it will be nice to see that place have buildings again. It's an in your face reminder to never forget those who died that day and those who have died fighting for our freedom.
We had a wonderful weekend! I can't say it was relaxing but it was great to take a break from everyday life. Now it's back to work. :-) Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day.


Bekah said...

So fun! I love NYC! Ive only been once...but it was fabulous..and we hope to go again soon cuz Bobby has relatives that live there. CHECK!

abbey said...

Looks like so much fun! I wanna go sometime..never been :( glad you guys had a good time!

Anonymous said...

You so deserved a good fun weekend like that!!!! I can't wait to see more pictures! Love ya! Jenny Girl

Deborah said...

Tess! W o w - talk about being forever! I was so incredibly surprised and happy when I saw your comment - and then you on your blog - last week! I'm so happy to see that you, and your husband, are doing well and enjoying God's faithful blessing and provision. It's great to be able to connect with you via all this fanshie-smanshie technology stuff :-)