Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Adventures of Sawyer and Finn

Sawyer has a great little buddy Finn. I was typing the title out for this post and I said to Tyson "the adventures of Sawyer and Finn that sounds like a novel". haha "Wait it is a novel". I didn't even put it together until then Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. Anyway they are perfect little buddies and I guess it was meant to be. Sawyer loves hanging out and playing with Finn. They are so silly and have such a great time together. The laugh and run and play cars and pretty much like to do anything together.
I'm so thankful the Lord brought such a sweet family into our lives and that Sawyer has a great friend in Finn. 
Here they are at the mall 

We went to the aquarium a few times and the zoo. My camera battery died so I didn't get many pictures.

Running or course running......


Our last week in Thailand we got to hang out with Finn and Jen several times. One afternoon we took the boys to the train station. They have a big train out front the kids can play on. Sawyer is so into playing with trains this was something I've been wanting to do for a while.

I think they have a few more adventures in store.....

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