Thursday, March 20, 2008

March Madness!

Every year Tyson and I fill out the brackets together. The first time we did it was when I was in New York at Elim Bible Institute. Tyson and I use to write letters in addition to our daily email. :-) He mailed me the bracket and then we filled it out together over the phone. It has been our tradition ever since. The best part is that we fill out only one for the both of us so we have to agree on who is going to win each game. I always pick emotionally...for example anytime Oklahoma is in it (no matter how good they are that year) I have to pick them to win at least one game (because I was born in Oklahoma). Tyson brings the knowledge to the table. Needless to say we do pretty well every year on guessing right because I pick the upsets (completely on accident) and he picks the winner of the "close" games. I really enjoy watching these college basketball games. This year we've got UCLA all the way!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Beautiful Day!

It is so nice outside today...I have a window in my office and right now is see tons of kids outside playing on the playground. I want to go hang out on the swings...oh to be 8 years old again. ha ha

Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Paulie!

Today is my big brother Paul’s 29th birthday. Where does the time go?!? These are my favorite pictures of us (sorry they are blurry). I was 3? And Paul was 6? We were in a nursery rhyme parade and my mom made us Little Miss Muffet and the Spider costumes. We won 3rd prize! We were so proud of our 3 dollars. Paul was very protective of me at that age…he would argue with the neighbor about who got to hold my hand to cross the street…He was responsible for me and therefore it was his job to make sure I made it across safely. One of my favorite memories of Paul was when we were playing soccer/football at a church event….one of the adults who took the game very seriously trampled over me sending me flying over a chair that was on the sideline. Paul was so angry…he ran over to make sure I was ok. I was really shaken up and let’s just say Paul was not happy. Paul carried me off the field to the shelter and bought me a soda. Ha ha it sounds silly now but then I kept thinking I have the coolest brother EVER! Paul thanks for looking out for me. Even when I could take care of myself it was nice to know you had my back. I am really proud of you and I know God has so much in store for you this next year of your life. Amazing things are coming your way. I love you more than I could ever say. I couldn’t ask for a better big brother!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Trip to Kansas City

Last week I had the privilege of taking a trip to Kansas City with my friend Kristi. Her cousin Betsy was getting married and her sister Katelyn was celebrating her 21st birthday. I needed a break from work so Kristi invited me to crash the parties. We had a wonderful time. I have never been to the "city of fountains" and I'm always up for a trip. Before I left on Wednesday Tyson said "You won't even miss me you'll be with your other favorite boy". Well I did miss Tyson but... he is SO RIGHT! I love me some Benjamin Ruckel. This kid makes me laugh until I cry. Happiest baby award goes to him. Kristi and I laughed the entire time at little funny things he did. He is at a great age just starting to really walk and he jabbers on and on. I know that no one believes me but he really does say TESS. He knows me! And even though it sounds like tsssss it means Tess. :-) This trip was a breath of fresh air that I needed. After saying goodbye to my grandfather a few days before it might sound silly but little Ben warmed my heart. :-) Thanks Kristi for letting me tag along and hang out with you and your awesome boy. Love you guys!

I wanted to bring him home with me!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Missing you...

I honestly don't have much to say. Shocking I know I ALWAYS have something to say ha ha. I decided not to post my Happy 88th birthday for my grandfather it felt too weird. In all seriousness this has been a strange week. It's just very hard because I don't know for SURE where my grandfather is. I do feel like the Lord has given me a peace in my heart and I have to lean on that. I feel like I should have said more or made 100% SURE that he was ready to go. My mom's last words to him before she said good bye where "dad, make sure your heart is right" My dad actually prayed with him years ago and he said he feels like my grandfather meant it and that he is now in heaven with my grandmother. I pray hope and believe that is true.
I know he was 88 and it was his time to go but the world just isn't the same without him.