Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Friday Night Game

Friday night Hope House had their first soccer game. Tyson was very excited about it. He had everything set up the field painted with lines, the team game schedules and of course his referee whistle. He even made red and yellow cards. The kids are use to playing without rules so he and Mike were there to enforce fair play.Chang is the smallest player...I still get some of the older boys mixed up I think that is Wit.Tyson having a blast

Mike and Ty the refs
The kids have seen the player in the world cup wearing socks so they tired to find whatever sock they could...some only found one. hee hee
Chang found someones stockings and they went up to his thighs. HAHA

Last minute coaching....
Sawyer playing with Ice...up and down the stairs about 100 times

Cheering for the teams!
Sawyer showing off for the girls haha

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