Saturday, July 26, 2008

Construction Pictures

Here are a few pictures of the house. I didn't get any of the outside...that will be next time. :-) For now here is the main living area when you first walk in and the kitchen.... aka "the construction zone".
This is the foyer we knocked out the ceiling and the wall on the right side.
This view is from the living room...we knocked out the corner on the left.

There was a brick wall here...they knocked it out before I could get a picture.


Video of Paul busting throught the wall. Sorry it's first video :-)


Gail said...

Way to go! I can already tell it is going to beautiful! Give the fam xo's from us. What are the plans for Baby Bear's room? Is Mr. Tom going to be painting per Tyson's directions? Love you guys. Oh! We're headed out for three weeks on art shows so see you later!

Mindy said...

Looks awesome, Tess! Can't wait to see the finished product!

Tess Bush said...

I SO EXCITED about Tom doing the baby's room!!! Let's touch base when you guys get home. We need to get together and knit :-) LOVE YOU!

Katherine M. said...

Tess, So fun that you have a house. I know the process is long and grueling with a makeover, but it will be so beautiful when you are finished. Abbey and Steve are now enjoying the finished product. Hope you and the baby are doing well.

Life at the Mandl's said...

Tessy I can wait to see it! It is going to be beautiful! Can't wait to see what the baby's room is going to look like!! :-) Make sure you are not breathing all that dust!!! love you!

Kate Feucht said...

SO excited for you guys! WOW...LOTS of work..but you know that you will be SOO proud in the alot to keep you occupied as you wait for your beautiful baby boy!!!

Mindy said...

Just wanted to say I was thinking about you the other day and praying for you as you walk thru your pregnancy and re-doing the house and all that comes with all that!