Saturday, July 26, 2008

Construction Pictures

Here are a few pictures of the house. I didn't get any of the outside...that will be next time. :-) For now here is the main living area when you first walk in and the kitchen.... aka "the construction zone".
This is the foyer we knocked out the ceiling and the wall on the right side.
This view is from the living room...we knocked out the corner on the left.

There was a brick wall here...they knocked it out before I could get a picture.


Video of Paul busting throught the wall. Sorry it's first video :-)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We Bought A House!

The biggest news in out life right now is the purchase of a home! My incredible mother found us an amazing deal on a 4 bedroom 3 bathroom home right in Greenbrier! It is such a relief to have found a home. Although it needs a lot of work it's nice to know that when this baby comes we will have a place to live. We have already begun the construction process. We knocked down 3 walls and a ceiling. The boys had a blast doing that. Tyson, my dad and Paul worked on the house all day and accomplished a TON! The blessing is that most of the work that needs to be done is cosmetic so no major construction (Other than knocking down walls). I tried to take some before pictures but the guys already knocked out the random brick wall. The rest of the pictures you can see the before shots.
(I don't have the pictures loaded on my computer yet....coming soon....)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Needing Grace

Well I'm just at the 18 week far so good. I feel like I haven't had a moment to breath these last few weeks. I have lots to update you on...weddings....houses...special visitors...but I really don't have time today. I am over my head with work and I very very tired. I ask you friends to pray for me. I need a wind of grace to carry me through these next few months of full time work/pregnancy. I had a dream last night that I was in the hospital looking at my little boy is felt so real it was crazy. I woke up and realised I still have 5 months left of this crazy life...Lord give me grace! I'm trying to relax but it hard my job is very stressful. I have pretty much been over my sickness but I get these waves every now and then and I think it's stress related. Yesterday was a bad day and I'm still in recovery from it today. I'm weary to eat but I feel worse when I don't. Tyson has been very encouraging and helping me to be thankful for the blessings that God has provided...there are so many. I have more things to be thankful for then to complain about. I'm just emotional and excuses just feeling blah. I will post on all the wonderful and exciting things that have been happening in our lives soon. In the meantime thank you for your prayers.