Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The baby has graduated college!!!!

It's true my baby brother Jesse is a COLLEGE GRADUATE! I can't really believe it! He graduated from Old Dominion this May. Yes it was several weeks ago and I am just now getting around to posting about it. We are all very proud of him. I will say it was strange to see him so grown up. I still think of him as 12 and I think seeing him as a college graduate finally sunk in that he is growing up. Here are a few pictures.

The ceremony was going on forever!!!!
Jesse and his girlfriend Kelly. Yes he has a girlfriend!!! Wow I'm old
After we went out to dinner with our dear fiends the Matthes'. Aaron and Jesse graduated together. :-)

1 comment:

erin said...

A big congrats to Jesse! How are you, Tess?