Monday, September 7, 2009

Bush Family Update

Well at this point I'm not sure if anyone is even reading this blog anymore. I've been so bad about updating. But for those faithful few out there whoever you are here's a long overdue update from us. :-)
Sawyer- My baby is now 9 Months old!! He is all over the place. He finally started crawling but he is dieing to walk. He use to do the bear walk but he finally figured out that he could go faster if he just crawled on his knees. He hasn't given up on walking though. He pulls himself up on EVERYTHING. This boy has no fear he dives off the furniture and tries so hard to walk. He loves anyone who will hold his hands and let him walk around. His balance is getting much better. He stood up by himself for the first time last night. He took one step today. It won't be long before he is walking.

He loves watching other kids. He wants to play with them so bad. We went to Liam's birthday party at the zoo and Sawyer had a great time watching the kids. He tries so hard to be a part of the fun.
He is still the sweetest little man. He gives kisses when I ask him but it's just a wide open slobber mouth. :-) When he gets ready for bed at night I pray for him before I lay him down. Sometimes I'll pat his back. The other night he started patting my back at the same time I love it!!
His favorite book is Goodnight Moon. We read it before bed and he now turns the page. It's so cute. When I get to "goodnight nobody" he always looks at me like "there isn't anything on that page" it's really cute.
He still talks all the time. He says mama and dada a lot. I love the sound of his voice. It's so sweet. He now tries to talk over the tv. If we are watching a movie he will talk over the movie...if we turn up the sound he just gets louder. Once we pause the movie he just grins like I win. :-)
NO TEETH YET!!! That has been hard for the poor guy. He's been teething for months and still nothing. His gums are swollen but still no teeth. I'm not worried about it but for his sake I hope they come through soon.
He has his 9 month check up tomorrow and I am looking forward to finding his stats. He's still tall and skinny. :-)
Sawyer really is a true joy in my life. He is keeping us laughing all the time. His deep belly laugh is so contagious. We are so blessed to have such a happy baby.

Tyson- Ty is doing well. He is an amazing father. I love watching him play with Sawyer. Lately Sawyer has been a real daddy's boy. He cries when Ty leaves. The other night he wouldn't let Ty put him down. I even tried taking him and he cried until Tyson took him back. I think it's sweet that Sawyer loves his daddy so much.
Tyson lost his job last week so that has been hard. I don't really have a lot to say about it on this public blog. But I am so proud of my husband. He has the most amazing attitude of anyone I know. He is so patient and understanding. I learn so much from his Godly example. We are trusting the Lord for his perfect will and provision for our life.
Me- Well I must admit these last few weeks have been my hardest yet as a parent. Sawyer has been needy in a lot of ways and I was finding my patience running short. He just requires so much. He would refuse to crawl...all he wanted to do was have me help him walk. He could stand holding on to the furniture but he wouldn't just stand there he wanted to walk to the other couch and then face plant into the ground. Again and again he would do this so I spent a lot of time bent over so he would hit his head or face. This might seem silly but after a month of this it became wearing. Then there is the teeth as I there was lots of screaming pain cries in the middle of the night and yet nothing. Which means No Sleep for me!

I'm just tired. I'm also very tired of feeling pregnant...I still haven't' lost the baby weight (not even close). I've tried different things but from what I've read there are just some people who don't lose the weight until after they stop breastfeeding. I guess I'm one of those lucky ones. Needless to say I'm am beginning the weening process. Sawyer won't take a bottle now so I'm moving to a sippy cup. So far we haven't had much success but I'm trying to be patient.

In all of this Tyson lost his job. I must say that was really hard for me but God is faithful. I am so thankful for my husband and my son and I am excited about the future God has planned for us. I have had extra grace this last week and I feel (on the mom side of things) things are so much better. God has truly given me more patience with Sawyer and he has been happier. It's funny how my mood affects him. I know when I am at peace and acting in love he can sense that. (plus he is happier because he can balance better on his feet an has more freedom haha).
Friends please keep me in your prayers. God is doing some cool things and I am excited to see it all come the meantime please pray that the Lord would help me to trust Him and to allow Him to complete the work in me which He has already begun!

If you have made it through all of that THANKS! :-) haha Blessings to you!! Here are some more pictures of my sweet boy!


Sarah said...

What a great little kid! You are doing a GREAT job Tess!

Rebekah said...

I am definitely praying Tess!!! I am right there with you feeling exhausted and a bit beyond myself! I think God is using that feeling in me to help me learn to totally trust in His provision and plan for my life down to the most minute detail!! I love you and Sawyer is adorable!!

Aunt Jane said...

Love reading your blog and hearing all the news about u, Tyson and Sawyer. Some day I would love to get together and meet u.....
Sawyer is growing so fast....
Tell him his Aunt in TN is always praying and thinking about him and his Mom and Dad....!

Kate Van said...

oh my such cute pictures! Thanks for sharing, I'll be praying for you guys as a couple and for your husbands employment.