Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3 Months

Today Sawyer conquered the bumbo seat. I can't believe he is sitting up. He looks so big these days. Still talking all the time and smiling more and more. He has found his right hand and is constantly chewing on it. He finds his thumb sometimes but I'm still not sure if he is going to be a thumb sucker. I'm so blessed to have such a sweet and happy baby boy. I spend my days constantly laughing at his cute noises and funny faces. He is the happiest baby and he brings so much joy into our home!!!


Megan Binder said...

I love your blog by the way. But how do you get so many pics up on one post. Mine will only allow 5.

Hannah said...

Tess, he is so stinkin' cute! I just want to squeeze him. Good to see you guys on Sunday. I STILL have your baby shower gift in the back of my car :)

Megan - you just have to add 5, and then go back and add 5 more...etc, etc....at least thats how I do it.

Unknown said...

glad to see he's loving the bumbo. now he can see the world!

Kate Feucht said...

He is SO precious Tess...You guys are SO VERY blessed!!! thanks for sharing your pics with us:)...Def. brightens my day!

KatelynWaite said...

How CUTE is he! I can't get over all his hair!! Ha ha. Adorable...

Aunt Jane said...

Love the updates on little Sawyer, he is adorable!