Tyson checking the monitor. :-) It was a long first few hours.
I will spare you all the details but it became unpleasant at this point. The contractions were intense but all I can say is I have the most amazing husband. Tyson was by my side the entire time encouraging, praying, and just breathing with me. I was terrified to get an epidural so I was trying to go as far as I could the natural way. Tyson was my champion! I got to the point I couldn't take it anymore and Tyson was able to encourage me and calm my fear of the epidural. I really wanted to get one but getting over the thought of a needle into my spine was rough. It took 45 minutes to actually get the epidural and then life was great! They checked me and I was already at 7cm.
Waiting in faithfully! :-)
At midnight I had finally made it to 10cm!! Little did I know I still had a few hours left to go. 2 and a half hours later baby boy arrived on the scene. It was a long delivery. He was face up and stuck...Several times they offered me a c-section. At that point I was determined to have the baby the normal way. I was already torn and did not want to have double recovery. After lots of prayer and pushing he finally arrived. It was not a pretty sight and I ask you all to keep me in prayer. I had a 4th degree tear which means I tore all the way through. But he was worth it all. To see my son for the first time was amazing. I am so overwhelmed by God's goodness to me. Tyson got to watch the entire thing and he said it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen. Birth is a miracle. The dr. let him cut the cord. :-) It took about 45 minutes to stitch me back up and then everyone got to come in and meet our little boy. It was great that they all stayed and waited so long. Sawyer didn't arrive until 2:24 am so by the time they could all come in it was 3:30am.
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