Thursday, June 19, 2008


Well as you know we found out about a month and a half early that we are having a BOY! My mom's amazing friend Jean is an ultrasound tech and she took us in a few weeks early just for fun. I didn't get my hopes up to find out because I knew we were ahead of the game. My mom was able to come and Tyson and I sat in anticipation as we saw a little baby on the screen. Jean looked around and took all the measurements, pointed out the kidneys, and the bladder, and the stomach...etc. She was definitely delaying on purpose (ha ha). Then she got a HUGE grin on her face and announced I know what it is....It felt like 20 min but I think it was really 2 seconds and she said "It's a BOY". SO EXCITING! Tyson was so excited to find he is having a son.
Now we are on to picking a name. It's harder than it feels like a HUGE decision. After the ultrasound we went to my parents and of course everyone was putting in their 2 cents. In honor of the Shaw girls I through out the name PATRICK! But sorry ladies Tyson's not a big fan. Erin I thank you for offering the name to me but now I leave it to Callie...:-) In loving memory of dear Patrick hopefully my real child will not need as many spankings. HA HA So far the front runner in the name department is Sawyer James. We'll see if it sticks. Tyson is really into name meanings so he wants to find out more about what Sawyer means. James is his favorite book in the Bible. I will be sure to let you all know when we are 100% set on a name. For now here are a few pictures.
I love this can see his little legs. He was bouncing all over the place. This little guy is already on the move. He was waving his arms and touching his toes. :-)

His sweet little face.

This one keeps posting sideways and I can't fix it....anyway IT'S A BOY. :-)

Awful picture of me but you can see my Prego Belly
Sweet Jean! Thanks for giving us the good news!

Yay it's a boy!

Monday, June 16, 2008

BIG NEWS!!!! IT'S A ..................

Well we found out today baby Bush is a BOY!!!!!!!!! We got to find out early and I'll post more details and the pics later but for now I'm so excited I wanted to share the news.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A special gift for Ezra

When I found out Jen was pregnant I immediately started thinking of ideas for something special I could do for this baby. When Jennifer asked me to be the godmother to her child I was so overwhelmed and blessed I wanted to burst. Then I REALLY wanted to do something special. I have always enjoyed sewing but lately I haven't really had a time/space for it. I have made little quits and things but nothing elaborate. My mom and I took our yearly trip to St. Louis in September (last year) to visit my grandfather and my moms family. While we were there my aunt Vicki told me she makes quits. She showed me some of hers and I got inspired. She helped me pick out a pattern that wasn't too difficult for a beginner. In St. Louis there is this amazing quilting shop with all these bright colored fabrics. At the time I didn't know what Jen was having...boy...or girl... so I had to go with something that would work with either. I knew I wanted it to be bright and colorful. I learned that one of the hardest parts in quilting is picking a bunch of fabrics that will all go together. Luckily I had the help of my aunt, my mom, and two very friendly ladies in the quilt shop. It was a ton of work and it took a lot of time but it was all worth it. I have to say thanks to my aunt Vicki for inspiring me and giving me confidence to do it...and thank you to Tyson for letting me turn our living room into a sewing room for several months. :-) Here are a few pictures.
I'm lookin rough in this picture. I wasn't feeling that great. Turned out Jen and I were pregnant at the same time for 2 or 3 weeks . ha ha

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The baby has graduated college!!!!

It's true my baby brother Jesse is a COLLEGE GRADUATE! I can't really believe it! He graduated from Old Dominion this May. Yes it was several weeks ago and I am just now getting around to posting about it. We are all very proud of him. I will say it was strange to see him so grown up. I still think of him as 12 and I think seeing him as a college graduate finally sunk in that he is growing up. Here are a few pictures.

The ceremony was going on forever!!!!
Jesse and his girlfriend Kelly. Yes he has a girlfriend!!! Wow I'm old
After we went out to dinner with our dear fiends the Matthes'. Aaron and Jesse graduated together. :-)