Tyson and I took what is probably our last trip down to Alabama. I know it sounds strange but I'm actually going to miss the 20 hours of driving(10 each way). We have a good time chatting uninterrupted and solving the worlds problems...ha ha
This is a picture of the creek just down fromTy's grandparents house...he use to play there when he was a kid.
As we drove up to the house Tyson started quoting his grandmothers classic sayings. Every time we came in the door without fail it was the same thing..."Oh hello Dolly...you made it safely...what an awful drive that is..." I couldn't help but tear up. She loved Tyson so much and seeing her face when he walked in was always so fun for me. It was sad to walk into the house and not hear her sweet voice...

Although it was sad not having grandma there we were able to spend time with Tyson's family and that was a blessing. The highlight was Andrew (Tyson's 5 year old brother) seeing snow for the very first time. The weather man had been saying snow and Andrew prayed so hard that God would make it snow so he could make a snow ball. Even though we only got about 1 inch Andrew was delighted! It was so cold and there wasn't much but we played in it and made snow balls. Andrew wanted to bring back a snow ball to Thailand for Pretan(the family driver). He was really bummed that it would melt before he could get back but we took a picture of it and that satisfied him.

Saying goodbye is hard. It's even harder when it's sudden. But the wonderful thing is that even though we say goodbye it's just for now...it's not goodbye forever! We will see her again in heaven. I can hear her now..."Hello Dolly glad you finally made it........"
(This picture was from our trip back in October. As we were pulling away Tyson said now there is a picture...so I pulled out the camera... )