Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tyson Update

What an amazing blessing YOU all have been! Who knew the Lord could use Facebook to bring so much encouragement. Thank you to all who called and visited and PRAYED!! The prayers where the biggest blessing to us. We could feel you all lifting us up and it's nice to not feel alone in hard times.

This morning Tyson had his follow up appointment with the surgeon. Everything is looking good! Praise the Lord Tyson is healing. He still has to take it easy and has to take these boiling hot baths 3 times a day for the next 6 weeks. Still looking at 3 months until he is at 100% but only 3 more weeks of being really careful. There is a MAJOR prayer request we have though. The dr. said 50% of people get another smaller type infection which requires another small surgery. He said there is no way to prevent it but sometimes it just "happens" during the healing process. We are PRAYING this does not happen in Tyson's case.
Otherwise Ty is feeling ok. He's in pretty good spirits but it's hard for him to be so "still and chill". He's more of a "mover and a doer". His pain has gone down a lot but he still can't do much. Rest and take these hot baths all day are the dr.'s orders.  

Please keep our family in your prayers. We are all a bit tired and run down. God is faithful and we feel His hand in our lives even through all this craziness.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!!


Jessica Rockey said...

Thanks for the update:) You've all been in my prayers.

Pam Creech said...

Tess, I'm SO glad to get this update - will keep praying - so glad you are near family during this hard time!