Friday, September 17, 2010

21 Months

Well I know he's my kid but I think he is the most wonderful little boy in the entire world. He has the sweetest kindest little personality. He loves to do things ALL BOY. climbing, jumping, playing with bugs and dirt. and the endless amount of puddles (since it's rainy season). He keeps me super busy but he is so smart that it's fun coming up with new things for us to do. He is talking all the time. He can say everything now which is a blessing because he can tell us what he wants and needs. He is also speaking a little Thai. His favorite person at Hope House is a little girl names Nutt she is about 13 or 14 and she loves playing with him when we are there. She speaks to him in Thai so I think that's where he is getting it. Today he said something to me in Thai and I didn't know what he was saying...Deborah said he was saying drink of water in Thai. haha I guess I need to get on it otherwise I won't be able to understand my kid. :-)

He loves to play with this little house. He finds the table and chairs and will set them up all over the office. I love the sound of his little voice. I am blessed to be a mom and I am even more blessed that Sawyer is my little boy.

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