Sawyer is talking all the time now. He loves to copy whatever you say. His favorite thing to say is "What". Other things that he says and knows what he is saying is : Momma, Dadda, Hot, Balloon, Book, Ball, done, what, yes, Gra (means Jesse he has mixed up his J sound and G sound so he says Gra instead of Jaa), Kel kel, light, Dog (he also knows what the dog says. When we ask him what a doggy says he will say hwoof ). He also says things that we say like today I said "is that your turtle?" and he said "turtle" but I'm not sure if he knew what it was. He is all about the copying. I've had a bit of a cough lately. So Sawyer has been following me around fake coughing. It is the cutiest thing. He waddles around me fake coughing. I took a video this morning of Tyson fake coughing and then Sawyer copies. He cracks me up.
Haha Evan does the same thing! So adorable!
what a cutie boy he look like a gerber baby.. he's adorable...
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