Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

For Christmas my mom bought the boys matching outfits. So we dressed them up for Valentines Day. I didn't get a very good picture of the boys together so we will have to try again soon.

Sawyer loves his cousin


Sawyer and Grammy

My little climber

Friday, February 5, 2010

Little copy cat

Sawyer is talking all the time now. He loves to copy whatever you say. His favorite thing to say is "What". Other things that he says and knows what he is saying is : Momma, Dadda, Hot, Balloon, Book, Ball, done, what, yes, Gra (means Jesse he has mixed up his J sound and G sound so he says Gra instead of Jaa), Kel kel, light, Dog (he also knows what the dog says. When we ask him what a doggy says he will say hwoof ). He also says things that we say like today I said "is that your turtle?" and he said "turtle" but I'm not sure if he knew what it was. He is all about the copying. I've had a bit of a cough lately. So Sawyer has been following me around fake coughing. It is the cutiest thing. He waddles around me fake coughing. I took a video this morning of Tyson fake coughing and then Sawyer copies. He cracks me up.

Learning to catch

Jesse was having a blast teaching Sawyer to ketch the ball. It was so amazing watching him learn to ketch. It was like he would watch JEsse and try to copy his arm movements. I am really amazed at his hand/eye coordination. He's been really accurate with kicking the ball for the last month. Now he is enjoying catching and throwing.

Videos from about a month ago

Sawyer loves phones. This video was taken over a month ago when we were packing to move. He loves dialing and saying hi on anything resembling a phone. His newest "phone" is a little calculator that he holds and pushed the buttons like he is texting. He really is a little copy cat.

This was also before we moved over a month ago. Sawyer loved pulling the dvds down as Ty stacked them. I loved watching this game hahahaha

Snowed in

It's been years since the last real snow. Last weekend we got around 8 inches. We took Sawyer out in the snow and he really wasn't sure what to do with it. Then he got a gust of sleet right in the face and it was all over but the crying. He was cold and over it after that. The next day when it was a little warmer we took him out again and he had a better time. He was so cute tottering around. I stood him up on the car and the snow was up past his knees. It was fun to have everything shut down for a few days and just chill inside.