Friday, June 12, 2009

Zoo Fun!

This week I went with Kristi and the boys to the zoo. I don't remember the last time I was at the zoo. It was Sawyer's first time. :-) I had a blast chasing Benjamin around. It's fun watching him run around and think about Sawyer when he gets to that age. Chasing him is fun exercise
Looking at the snakes

Checking out the Monkeys Sawyer and Gabe!

Ben- "That;s a pretty bird"
Ben -"I think I'll climb over this wall and touch it"Right as Ben got to the top Kristi had to run and grab him. The peacock started squawking (which freaked Sawyer out). The best part was when Ben looked back at the peacock and said "quack quack" ha ha I love that kid!

Kristi and Ben

Gabe and Sawyer riding in style

"mom I'm hot and tired"

All 3 of the boys fell asleep on the way home. What a fun day!!!


Jenny Girl said...

It looks like it was sooooo much fun! Quack quack... too funny :) I love the back seat picture too!! Ezra wants to come swim with Sawyer sometime too :) Love you!

Unknown said...

great pics! next time we won't go when it's a million degrees!