I must admit I have been looking forward to the "first day of preschool" pictures more than the actual school. One thing that helped is that I'm keeping my boy home with me at least another year. With everything happening with the move and business stuff we decided school at home would be best. He is still only 3 but he is so ready to learn that I don't want to miss this window. My mom found us a Sing Spell Read and Write program and I'm really excited about it. Much of it will be a review for him because he has already learned about half of the material. Since I will be working from home it takes the pressure off me and it's more of a refresher for him. He is in complete sponge mode and LOVES to learn. I continue to pray school is a FUN activity for him (and me) as we progress.
These pictures are outside the front door of our new home (condo). As soon as we get the house set up I'll post pictures.
Here are a few of my other favorites: